This state-of-the-art software enables National Lumber's designers to collaborate with builders, architects and structural engineers to supply virtually error free projects.

National Lumber's commitment to intelligent customer service is second to none, especially when you consider the additional premium services National Lumber offers, such as:

Precision End Trim

Precut Rafters

Panelized and Truss Systems

National Lumber EWP design working on layout with MiTek Sapphire modeling software

3-D Structural Modeling

National Lumber produces a three dimensional structural model of the customer's project by importing the architect or engineer's two dimensional design into MiTek SAPPHIRE™ and resolve any structural issues before materials are shipped to the job site.

The SAPPHIRE™ suite is able to import and read CAD files from platforms such as, Autodesk Revit Architecture and Autodesk Revit Structure as well as AutoCAD® Architecture, SoftPlan, Digital Canal, Cadsoft™ Envisioneer™ and PDF files.

SAPPHIRE™ Viewer on mobile and desktop screens

MiTek SAPPHIRE™ Viewer

The drawing can then be shared with anyone using the free MiTek SAPPHIRE™ Viewer available for Windows or Apple platforms.

Download a 3D model of the project on the jobsite

Benefits on the Jobsite

Using a smart phone, tablet, or laptop, a framer on the job can scan a QR code on a layout provided by National Lumber and download a three dimensional model of the project to clarify any questions he or she may have during installation.

With SAPPHIRE™ Viewer, you can:

• Quickly review SAPPHIRE™ Structure models in Plan and 3-D views using zoom and pan.

• View elevation drawings.

• Isolate items to view in the model such as a particular level or layer.

• Print layout sheets.

• Print plan, 3-D, and elevation views.

Download Mitek's free SAPPHIRE™ Viewer


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