Customer Testimonials

Service Above All is our company motto, because we know that's what matters most to our customers.

Of course, you expect to receive quality materials delivered on time. But it's the exceptional service provided by our team that keeps you coming back year after year.

Learn About Our Builder Services

We're proud to have many of New England's top builders among our customers, and a lot of them have been working with us for many years.

You can read some of their stories here:

Golden Development custom home with blue-gray siding, view 1

16 Years Working Together

Testimonial from Louis Wolfson:

“My wife and I have been building homes for 16 years, and National Lumber has been a trusted member of our team from the start. We believe that building a quality home takes the work of a quality team that cares. Margie and Steve truly care about their clients and go to great lengths to make my job easier.”

Read the rest of Louis Wolfson's Testimonial

Dave Groom's Testimonial

Over 20 Years Working Together

Testimonial from Groom Construction:

“In this incredibly busy market, we rely on valuable services from National Lumber for preconstruction assistance in estimating/take-offs, framing expertise, and special orders delivery — all provided with responsive communication and dedicated sales reps.”

The ad shown above is 1 of 4 quarter page testimonial ads that ran in the October 2018 issue of Builder Architect magazine featuring Groom Construction.

Read the rest of Groom's Testimonial

National Lumber, Doug King, full page ad in 2018 Builder Architect magazine

50 Years Working Together

Testimonial from Doug King:

“National Lumber has been my major supplier for 50 years. We've been a team (Manny and the Kaitz Family) through good years and recessions, getting our projects built on time and on budget.”

The ad shown above ran in the June 2018 issue of Builder Architect magazine.

Read the rest of Doug King's Testimonial

National Lumber, Mike Palmer Testimonial4, quarter page ad in 2018 Builder Architect magazine

Over 10 Years Working Together

Testimonial from Mike Palmer:

“Integrity, commitment and reliability are the hallmarks of a great partner in this business. Thank you, National Lumber, for being a great partner.”

The ad shown above is 1 of 4 quarter page testimonial ads that ran in the March 2018 issue of Builder Architect magazine featuring Mike Palmer and Woodside Development.

Read the rest of Mike Palmer's Testimonial

Service Above All™ is our motto

Tell Us Your Story

We're always working on ways to serve our customers better and would like to know if your sales rep has been meeting your building material needs with exceptional service.

Of course, if you are unhappy with our customer service, we want to know about that so we can resolve any problems.

Any and all feedback is appreciated!

We look forward to hearing from you at